


  • 大学全球QS排名: 551


堪培拉大学是澳大利亚新兴大学之一,它创建于1967年,位于首都堪培拉。堪培拉大学因其在应用研究和教学方案上十分注重专业化的需要而声名显赫。大学教学模式灵活多样,开设的学位课程国际公认,其中包括会计学、工商与信息技术等。 学校的知名度虽然不如澳大利亚国立大学,但堪培拉大学的毕业就业率却一直保持在堪培拉四所大学中的中上水平。堪培拉大学具有高质量的教育及优美的校园。学校的教学宗旨是培养学生的职业能力,注重课程的实用性,这一特点有别于几公里之外的以学术研究为主的传统大学澳大利亚国立大学。



堪培拉大学的王牌专业是 公共行政管理、传媒、文化遗产管理、环境科学、护理、公共管理、运动教育、建筑、设计、电子、计算机工程、健康管理、商法、银行和金融、教育、IT



一、Accounting and Management会计和管理


Bachelor of Business Administration,

Bachelor of Commerce,

Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation;

Bachelor of Event and Tourism Management

Bachelor of Human Resource Management

Bachelor of Management

Bachelor of Marketing Management

Information Systems and Accounting信息系统和会计:

Bachelor of Accounting;  

Bachelor of Business Informatics;  

Bachelor of Finance

二、Built environment and design建筑环境与设计

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture;      

Bachelor of Building and Construction Management

Bachelor of Design

Bachelor of Industrial Design

Bachelor of Interior Architecture (Honours)

Bachelor of Landscape Design

三、Communication and Media通信和媒体

Bachelor of Arts and Design (Honours);  

Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

Bachelor of Communication in Media and Public Affairs;

Bachelor of Communication in Advertising;

Bachelor of Communication in Public Relations;

Bachelor of Journalism;                 

Bachelor of Sports Media

四、Creative and Cultural Practice创意和文化实践

Bachelor of Film Production;                      

Bachelor of Graphic Design

Bachelor of Heritage, Museums and Conservation;

Bachelor of Media Arts and Production;

Bachelor of Web Design and Production;            

Bachelor of Writing


Bachelor of Early Childhood and Primary Education;    

Bachelor of Educational Studies;

Bachelor of Primary Education;           

Bachelor of Primary Education (Creative Arts);

Bachelor of Primary Education (Graduate Entry);

Bachelor of Primary Education (Health and Physical Education)

Bachelor of Primary Education (STeM)

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Graduate Entry);

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Health and Physical Education);

Bachelor of Secondary Education/ Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Secondary Education /Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing Technology Studies

Bachelor of Secondary Education / Bachelor of Science

六、Government and Policy政府和政策

Bachelor of Applied Economics; 

Bachelor of Australian Politics and Public Policy;

Bachelor of International Business;

Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)

Bachelor of Politics and International Relations

Bachelor of Public Administration

Bachelor of Social Science

七、Health and Sport卫生和体育

Public health and occupational therapy公共卫生和职业病治疗

Bachelor of Health Science

Bachelor of Health Studies

Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)

Bachelor of Public Health

Bachelor of Vision Science

Nursing and midwifery护理和助产

Bachelor of Midwifery

Bachelor of Nursing

Bachelor of Nursing Advanced

Sport and exercise science体育与运动科学

Bachelor of Exercise Physiology and Rehabilitation

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science

Bachelor of Sport Studies (Honours)

Bachelor of Sports Management

Nutrition and dietetics营养和饮食

Bachelor of Human Nutrition

Bachelor of Human Nutrition (Honours)


Bachelor of Science in Psychology

Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Honours)


Bachelor of Pharmacy

八、Law and Justice法律和司法

Bachelor of Justice Studies

Bachelor of Laws

九、Engineering, IT and Data工程、It 和数据

Maths and technology数学和技术

Bachelor of Engineering in Network & Software Engineering (Honours)

Bachelor of Information Technology

Bachelor of Software Engineering

Honours in Information Sciences


Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours)

Bachelor of Applied Science in Forensic Studies

Bachelor of Biomedical Science

Bachelor of Environmental Science

Bachelor of Medical Science

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science

Bachelor of Science 




就业率高,职业认证广受好评,注重实践和实习,学生服务周到,校园环境多元化等。 由于坐落于澳大利亚的首都,堪培拉大学在公共政策、公共行政和公共部门管理等方面具备独特的专业优势。此外,该大学在成立初期就设立了环境科学、健康科学、健身和体育研究等学习领域,至今,这些领域的课程都已成为堪培拉大学的著名课程。值得一提的是,该大学的设计与建筑系(隶属于健康、设计与科学学部)在堪培拉现行的城市规划决策中扮演了重要角色,通过与相关部门通力合作,致力于把堪培拉市打造成以设计与建筑闻名的国际中心。




福建分部地址:福建省福州市鼓楼区水部街道五一北路171号新都会花园广场27楼 江苏分部地址:江苏省宜兴市环科园宏兴氿洲国际广场B座1216室

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